Thank You Letter to all friends who donated money to the March of Life so more people, who couldn't afford the trip could go. It shows many of the sentiments of the author on this important life and death subject, and it was sent on Friday, 26 Jan 2001, by Mr Ray Micco:

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(Father Alex)

>> Dear,

I want to thank you very much for your generous contribution for scholarships and all the expenses related to our participation in the 28 annual March for Life in Washington, DC. This year, the excitement of a new President, who ran and won on a Pro-Life platform, brought 2.250.000 Pro-Lifers (official estimate of the national office of the March for Life) to Washington, over double the 1.000.000 who marched last year!

Your donation enabled us to bring 203 marchers to Washington, which included ministers of religion, married couples, singles, and many youth, who are very important because they are tomorrow's leaders and our hope for the future. We even had a 5-week-old baby girl, who I believe tolerated the march better than most of us! We prayed, we rallied, we marched, and we visited our 3 legislators, Senators Specter and Santorum, and Congressman Murtha to lobby for the Pro-Life cause. Please phone or e-mail me, if you want details on this effort.

I know a few voters doubt whether or not President Bush is truly Pro-Life and against abortion. Did not Jesus say that "only God knows what is in the heart of man"? But we are encouraged already by the fact that he addressed us by proxy at the rally with 2 messages of hope. One of his first actions, as President, was to ban the use of our tax dollars for abortion services overseas and I quote: "It is my conviction that taxpayer funds should not be used to pay for abortions or advocate or actively promote abortions, either here or abroad . . . ." (Indiana Gazette, 1-22-01) President Clinton's first action, when he took office in l993, (as we marched in the cold) expanded abortion services by lifting the ban on fetal tissue research, which resulted in promoting abortions, especially partial-birth abortion. Doctors (sic) prefer tissue from late-term, more mature babies. And, that has now, as everybody knows, grown into a lucrative industry, in which baby parts are sold!

Furthermore, I, personally, have difficulty doubting the sincerity of a man, professing to be Christian who paraphrased Mother Teresa in his Inaugural Address: "Sometimes in life we are called to do great things. But as a saint of our times has said, every day we are called to do small things with great love." Then, he went on to say, "The most important tasks of a democracy are done by everyone," which is obviously Christianity personified also.

With that I take leave from this long-winded "thank you note", except to say I know our duties are not over. We need to continue to lobby, fast, pray, picket - whatever it takes - to respect, love, and work for the well-being and protection of ALL HUMAN LIFE from the "womb to the tomb!"

God Bless you for your support of His precious babies!

Ray Micco, Chairman, Indiana March for Life <<

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(Father Alex)

This important campaign showing the feet of unborn babies after only ten weeks reminds everyone that absolutely nobody has the right to kill an unborn child through any form of abortion which means always killing of innocent human life that has to be respected from the first second of the conception. Let's pray for this important initiative! Father Alex